August 10, 2024
Club Polo Nacional | Ste-Marthe, QC

Think of a sunny afternoon sipping champagne and wine with a group of friends – then you hear it – the crack of a polo mallet hitting a ball and the thunder of hoof beats as the horses and their riders tear down a polo field the size of nine football fields hoping to score with their opponents in hot pursuit! An exciting event is planned for Saturday, August 10, 2024 in support of two world class institutions, the Montreal Heart Institute and the Peter Munk Cardiac Centre at the Toronto General Hospital.
Over the last 60 years, remarkable achievements have earned the Montreal Heart Institute (MHI) a place among the world’s great cardiology centres, as much for the quality of its patient care as for its research, prevention and teaching. Over the next few years, the Institute aims to pursue its tradition of innovation and invest in the most promising fields in order to remain at the forefront as an international centre of excellence in cardiology. The goal is to continue making life-changing discoveries, improve the effectiveness of treatments and offer outstanding treatments in a modern environment.
The Peter Munk Cardiac Centre at the Toronto General Hospital also provides world-class cardiovascular care. One of the largest programs of its kind in North America, it is a major referral centre and its program offers resources and expertise prepared to deal with even the most complex patient cases. Each year, the innovative surgery techniques and outstanding cardiology interventions at the Peter Munk Cardiac Centre in Toronto attract hundreds of visiting professors and trainees from around the globe.
Polo avec Cœur starts at noon with a champagne reception and lunch with wine and beer included at tented tables catered by one of Montreal’s fine caterers. Two polo games with amateur players from the Montreal and Ottawa area as well as professional players from Argentina who have played in Argentina, the USA, Australia and Europe will entertain the guests with some of the fastest, most exciting polo that can be seen in Canada. For the ladies, there is a "Best Hat" contest with the award announced between the two games. Guests will also be entertained by a Regimental Pipe Band. The event takes place at the polo fields located on route 201 (exit 17 off of Highway 40) in the St. Lazare-Hudson—Rigaud-Ste-Marthe area, about 45 minutes from downtown Montreal and less than 1½ hours from Ottawa.
12:00 PM Welcome Cocktail Reception
12:15 PM Lunch
1:00 PM Opening Ceremonies
1:15 PM First Polo Match
2:15 PM Divot Stomping
2:45 PM Second Polo Match
3:45 PM Live Auction


Saturday, August 10, 2024
Champagne reception at 12:00 pm
Located off Route 201
From Montreal take 40 West towards Ottawa, turn south (left) at exit 17 off of Highway 40
Entrance off of route 201 approximately 3.3 km from exit 17 just past chemin Park
To reserve your table, please send the information below, use the Pay Now button or send a cheque payable to Club Polo Nacional to the address below:
Club Polo Nacional
765 chemin Park
Ste-Marthe, QC
J0P 1W0
Attention: Carol Pennycook
Company Name:
Contact :
Number of Tables (10 person/table) x $4,000 = $
Tax receipts for charitable donation will be issued for a portion of your payment.